Sunday 13 January 2013

Day 2

A surprisingly easy morning no hangover but I had a lie in I deserved it. By 11 my room mates hadn't woken so I hopped on trip advisor to plan a cheap and interesting excursion that would ease me into travelling and start testing my bartering, orienteering, and help me understand how the locals did things. I found a temple that was a mile away and was situated at the top of a man made hill, the walk and three hundred steps would reward me with a stunning view and the first notch in my travelling bed post.
By the time I had logged the location in my phone got a rough idea of direction packed my camera it was lunch time and the room mates were awake and ready to show me where to get the best pancakes. I put the temple mission on hold and took the advice of the room mates and we headed to a food court. For a well earned noodle / pancake extravaganza. After spending a kings ransom on food (£1.20) we began the journey. An hour and twenty walking in 33 degree heat. Luckily GPS and trip advisor had us on the right track. With 800ft to go we couldn't see any towering temple in fact we had stumbled into ass banging territory.  We decided to check our bearings with a local ladyboy and it confirmed our suspicions. We were way off. 40 minutes in a taxi in the opposite direction saw us arrive just in time for the place to close and the ordinarily peace loving Buddhist monks usher us out the door with a polite "fuck off honkey" only a Buddhist can pull off. So we fucked off and headed back to the hostel in a taxi after a semi successful trip. Your first time is always shite anyway. A quick shower and a change into long trousers and proper shoes and we were off for a bit of posh at the hotel where hangover2 was filmed. On the 64th floor is a terrace where you can rub shoulders with other tight arsed people just wanting a picture. Great cocktails amazing view and crazy prices we attempted to get a picture of us in the pose of the hangover2 poster on the stairs but the picture Nazis running the place put a stop to it.
All 4 of us piled into the back of a Tuktuk and sped back to the hostel breaking every health and safety rule, highway code regulation and sound barrier on the way. Early night for three trio as they were off to Cambodia at 4am and I had decided to go to an island a couple of hours on the bus away.
A random Buddha surrounded by Lotus flowers and other offerings.

This blurry image was taken while perched over the edge of the 64th floor.

The view from the 64th floor of the Sky Bar in the Labua Hotel

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