Monday 14 January 2013

Day 4 - f*&ck this... back to Bangkok.

The island is shite, rubbish everywhere and the accommodation was crap too if I wasn't alone I may have stuck it out... but no need for this level of squalor. Quick ride on the back of Thailand's answer to Nitro Circus - fishing trawler - moped taxi - white van - moped taxi and I was home way ...fully booked! Like a virgin about to shite out a messiah I found myself going from hostel to hostel eventually finding a place which looked like an oasis in a sea of chavs. Quiet little pool, WiFi and a cold beer. Tidy.
I had a little snooze and was awoken by the ever increasing din from the crowds forming in the infamous Koah San road. I got up had another beer and went on the hunt for a ladyboy to take a picture of. This place is mad. You can buy anything from driving licenses to roasted scorpions or if you are a 'fanny' you can settle for a local beer. After a couple of hours of playing spot the 'shemale' and staring at women's crotches hoping to catch a glimpse of a dudes 'mangina' bouncing about behind a skirt like a kid playing hide and seek behind a curtain I called it a night. Sameep arrives tomorrow and so does the random madness.

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