Sunday 13 January 2013

Day 3

Well. As planned I was heading to an island. Ko Sichang. It was a pretty straight forward 'A'to B' trip involving a sky train then a normal train then a taxi ride to the bus station then get on the number 5 'white van' with seats in. Two hours later after watching a bootlegged copy of Total Recall in Thai on a tv system called "Fanny" (the mobile Thai version of TiVo I suspect) I was the side of a road. A quick hop onto Tuktuk and I was the port... 45 minutes on a fishing trawler with 30 other locals and I was on the island. I wondered about for a bit till was starting to get stared at by the local hags that run the road side bbq snack stalls. It is worth pointing out that there is one after another all selling the same mini kebabs, all at the same prices. Saturated market obviously isn't something they have worked out. I picked the least 'witch like woman' and asked her in my best Thai "DO YOU HAVE A MAP".... she replied with Tuktuk. That'll do. A local motorbike Taxi came to the Rescue "Hostel - Cheap - Beach" He grabbed my smaller back pack bag put it over his chest and I hopped on the back. I'm 6ft 4 weigh close to 100kg, I have a 60l back pack on my back. In order for things to stay upright there needs to be something called ballast.. weight at the bottom. I had two legs that look like they should be hanging out of a KFC mega-bucket and a pair of Primark Premium flip flops.
So off we went. With the the agility of a Gazelle and the speed of a greased up sky diving Rhino. Finally we arrived at a POW camp and after inspecting the landfill / beach I settled down for the night. Not before feeding the local mosquito's from my McDrumsticks.
The smog is honking and (View from the bangbus )

Conservation Crab 'Condo' with condoms and crap.

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