Friday 8 March 2013

Day 52 - A pot of beer

We all met and headed to the beach for a jump about in the sea, within 15 minutes of jumping into the waves and the churning sea I spotted an Indian girl swimming in my direction (the beach) but going backwards, I waded over asking if she was ok, it was rhetorical, she was clearly a little worried and every wave that went over here took her further away from the shore. I grabbed her arm and within moments Nicky had grabbed her other arm, we pulled her into the shore and coughing and looking worn out she thanked us and wandered off. It wasn't long before Hilary was in and jumping about like a mad woman, she also looked like she was in over her head and struggling, but she seemed to be enjoying it, I'm pretty sure she's slightly mad, she is smiling all the time.
The morning was whiled away and a board meeting was called to discuss the lunch options, after a lengthy discussion about the pros and cons of climbing the 200 stairs, we found a place on the beach that sold beer.

Selling beer requires a license in Kerala something very few people bother getting. So, to cover up their heinous crime they put their beer in a tea pot and give you mugs, it is genius and no policeman will ever work this out. It's the best cup of tea I have ever had ! As we walked back the sun started to set, so, with my expert eye and camera skills, I began to get people posing like they were holding the sun. Classic stuff.

I see this every evening

Hildog drenched in sunset

Hilary, Me, Nicky, Albert having a cheeky cup of tea.

Hilary and Nicky throwing some gang signs.

We all met for dinner and during the conversation Hilary told us about a small scar she had on her chest just below her collar bone, there was a mini defibrillator inserted under the skin. One day during high school her heart stopped and thanks to the fast work of people in the school and medics, she was saved. She spent weeks in a coma, and to prevent it happening again she had the defibrillator installed. She said the thought that she could have died left her with a massive appreciation for life. It explained a lot. In a way she is lucky, people go through life without appreciating a sunset, or the feeling of waves crashing over you.

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